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Mathew 10: 18

¨ On My account, you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles.¨

God is just sooooo awesome ! On October 16, 2016 He brought us before the Philippine embassadors along with the Spanish council guests in a National Filipino event called SAO-Mi. Here, we were able to perform ¨The Redeemer¨ ! Hearts were touched as many were emotionally watching its content and Message of the Gospel of Truth that NEVER gets old ! the Philippine Consul Emmanuel Fernandez and his wife were tremendously blessed by it and allowed me to pray for him and his wife outside the men/womens toilets concerning his assigned responsability as Consul Representative of the Philippines in Madrid, Spain ! What an honor to serve Jesus !

Mateo 10: 18

¨ seréis llevados delante de gobernadores y reyes por mi causa, como un testimonio a ellos y a los gentiles.¨

Dios es taaaaan Maravilloso ! Hoy El nos trajo ante embajadores Filipinos junto con el concilio Español como invitado en un evento Nacional Filipino llamado SAO-Mi. Aquí, pudimos hacer la actuación del ¨Redentor¨ ! Corazones fueron tocados en medio de diferentes emociones observando el contenido y el Mensaje del Evangelio de la Verdad que NUNCA se queda anticuado ! El Consul Filipino Emmanuel Fernandez, junto a su esposa fueron treméndamente bendecidos por ello y me permitieron orar por el y su esposa frente al baño publico de damas/caballeros en cuanto a asuntos de responsabilidad que se les había asignado como Representante Consul de las Filipinas en Madrid, España ! Valla honor que es servir a Jesus !

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